
The game is downloadable on the page of the team.


Game made for the Global Game Jam 2020, with the subject "Repair".

Le projet a été réalisé en 48h, sur Unity, par Last , Florian Texier, Pierrick Charbonnier, Ségolène Fallourd, et moi-même. J’ai occupé lors de cette production le rôle de Game Designer, de Programmeuse, ainsi que de Gestion du projet.

This game only uses the mouse.


Due to the jam's time limit, the project was though as a short interactive experience, that is fast to complete but replayable.

As such, Somewhere's idea is to watch the world be destroyed, then having to build it back up, using a series of simple choices.

The player see themselves presented with twice time three options, then a final choice between two options. Every one of these three steps modifies the environment, until the world is deemed complete. The player can then watch the result, along with a short text explaining the final situation. The game then loops itself, to let the player try another combination, which means another world.

The starting screen.

The finished game saw some success inside the jam itself, receiving positive critiques from the other developers.

The choice system allows for a really simple gameplay, while keeping the player interested. Even more, the short game time makes people want to retry immediately to see the other routes.

One of the proto worlds.

In terms of Game Design and for myself, this experience was a good lesson, which allowed me to work on a concept with limited gameplay. Due to this, every interaction had to be carefully though out, taking the scope and possible results into account. The final consensus was 3*3*2 choices (18 total) to get a good equilibrium between variety and what could be done.
